About us

Cameroon History

February 4, 2014 the Cameroon office was established with the name: Association for the Valorisation of Social Development in Cameroon. With Emeline Nde as country director and Benvictor as board chairman. And currently Dibankap Benvictor is country director and Dr. Motto Ndoumbe as board chairman.
we are worldwide

Glogal History

In 1990, two professors founded The Center for Organizational Excellence at Eastern College with the aim of enhancing the integrity and effectiveness of Christian leaders worldwide. Dr. James F. Engel, a marketing research expert, and Dr. David Fraser, with experience in grassroots leadership, conducted extensive global research to identify areas of leadership growth needed by Christian leaders in the majority world. After extensive research, they developed a curriculum focused on interactive, transformative learning methods. This led to the establishment of Development Associates International (DAI) in 1996, which continues to expand and impact leaders globally.

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DAI Cameroon - February 4, 2014 the Cameroon office was established with the name: Association for the Valorisation of Social Development in Cameroon.

Our mission

To enhance the integrity and effectiveness of Christian leaders so that the Church in Cameroon can fulfil its role in transforming communities and Cultures through servant leadership. We do this through :

Core Values :

Integrity, effectiveness, humility, partnering, mentoring, holism, biblical standards and reaching those with the least access.

Vision :

To transform the culture of leadership in Cameroon through Christian leaders and organizations that are known for: Servant leadership and humility Leading effective learning organizations Demonstrated Integrity and Accountability Commitment to a lifetime of spiritual formation Doing justice, as demonstrated by ministries that result in social transformation Actively pursuing justice for the glory of God by revolutionizing culture through Kingdom values